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Category: Posts
Sunday Sunday
Here we are the beginning of another week. We are already almost finished with January. Can you believe it? This past week was not without its drama, but by now, my life would seem so meaningless if we didn\’t have some drama, you know? Started out great. Jenni began her new job on Monday. She…
Today, Life is Good
I know, I know, life is always good. And you would be right to say so. I believe this. But this day–today–is especially good. On this day, I have both of our children in our home. Josh and Mel are down visiting from the beautiful state of Pennsylvania; and Jenni, who is my precious girl,…
Staff Meetings
Today we had our weekly staff meeting. It took about an hour to complete the business part of the meeting, and then the senior chaplain asked us to share where we were with God these days; how God was working in our lives as we entered the new year. I shared with them my desire…
Several weeks ago, our Wednesday evening service was centered around a prayer labyrinth. Don\’t get all hung up on the word \”labyrinth.\” We just followed some taped lines in our chapel to different \”stations\”. At each station we focused on a particular aspect of prayer. Every station, every thought centered around our relationship with Jesus.…
Among the great and happy memories of my childhood are my cousins. They were an inheritance from my step-father. He had three sisters, and they had children. I met them just shortly after my mother married my step-dad, and we stayed a day or two at one of the aunt’s houses while they went away—maybe…
Intensity. The title of the first book I ever read by Dean Koontz. And the story matched the title. But that’s not the intensity to which I refer in this blog. In case I never mentioned this before, I have three grandsons. Oh, I did mention that? Sorry. Anyway, the three of them are very…
Staff Retreat April 11-15, 2011 Click here to view these pictures larger
I\’m Sorry, What Did You Say? I Was Reading….
When I was very young, I remember my aunt reading to me and trying to teach me the alphabet. She was only two years older than I, but I still remember her little self being the teacher. Other than that, I don’t remember anyone ever reading to me as a child (if you remember differently,…
Toby Mac and God things…..
Took grandson number one to the Toby Mac concert last night. It is part of his Christmas gift this year. We were both excited as coud be, and doubly so because I had been able to get us seats on the floor. On the way into the Coliseum, Nate scooped up a piece of paper…
…And God said, \”Wait.\”
In 2007 my work-life changed. In a month\’s time, I went from being the office manager of a business to being a member of a corporation where my particular position of \”all-around, every aspect of the job\” did not exist…and I became a customer service representative. Now, don\’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing…