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Category: Posts
Today\’s Promise
When Christ told us to walk the straight and narrow, He didn’t promise that the way would be SMOOTH. The valleys, the rivers, the mountains are all there. We have to learn to climb out of the valleys, to climb over the mountains and to navigate the raging waters. Thank God for a very strong hand…
I Like Me Better When I Focus on YOU
I have been filling up journals since I first got married (a LONG time ago). A few of them I plan to burn. While it is interesting to see how I’ve grown over the years, I REALLY don’t like the scared person I used to be. My journals are filled with so many fears about…
Real Life
\”The great thing, if one can, is to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions of one\’s \’own\’, or \’real\’ life. The truth is of course that what one calls the interruptions are precisely one\’s real life–the life God is sending one day by day: what one calls one\’s \’real life\’ is a phantom…
The Comfort of God
\”The problem with God isn’t that He has been tried and found wanting, it is that He has been wanting to be tried. People who could find all of the peace, solace and strength they could ever need and more hit bottom because they refuse to ask God for the help He willingly and lovingly…
The Weight of Tearlessness
I have read a couple of great blog posts from friends the last couple of days. Both spoke about the need to face our struggles and rely on God to help us. One friend jokingly said, \”If only there were calories in tears.\” I responded to her, \”Tears take a different sort of weight off.\”…
This is What I Want (aka Pipe Dreams)
1. all news stations are biased, and if you don\’t believe that, then your eyes are not open 2. every politician lies, otherwise NO ONE would ever be elected based on what they really plan to do when they get in office (point in case–every president, congressman, senator, governor, etc., that this country has ever…
A Call to Christian Young Men
I chaperoned a recent trip taken by our church’s youth group and had the privilege of transporting two pre-teen boys in my car. One of the boys was my grandson, and the other was the son of one of our church men, who is a good ol’ boy and fine Christian man. From the conversations we had…
Senior Moments
Mama noticed that Shelton had left his phone on the table when he went outside the other day. It\’s how they communicate with one another, so she decided she would call him and let him know his phone was in the house. … wait, it gets better… Shelton didn\’t answer the first time, so she…
Remember the t.v. show called 30-something? Well, the way today\’s society is tiered, we now need a show called 50-something. I attended the surprise party of one of my friends who has just turned 50. Little does she know, turning 50 is going to be a bigger surprise than she could have ever imagined. Let\’s…
She came downstairs, rubbing her eyes and yawning into the new morning. We met in the kitchen, and she said, “Mom, I keep having this recurring nightmare. It’s just awful. I want it to stop.” “Can you tell me about it?” I asked. My antenna had gone up at the word recurring. I was really…