Life…Under Construction

Category: Posts

  • Life Under Construction–Grief

    Grief is not only found in the quietness of a house or a change of routine. Grief is loud with lamenting; it\’s visible in its emptiness. And it is surely always with us once we experience it at its deepest level. Grief is real, and it is achy, and it is constant.

  • Life Under Construction–Home School Style

    Recently, Dave and I made a retirement-altering decision regarding one of our grandsons. After learning that he has made it all the way through 5th grade without knowing his multiplication table, how to divide, basic parts of speech, etc., we have decided we will home school him for a year with the prayer for bringing…

  • The Big 4-1!

    For 41 years — nearly two-thirds of our lives — Dave and I have been married. When we began our marriage in our early 20\’s, we made some important decisions:   1) God would always be the head of our marriage, and the center, as well; 2) the word \”commitment\” would be real in our…

  • Sunday\’s Here!

    Check this out! Gaither vocal band For many years, I spent the week between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday (Easter) with my favorite musicians—Dallas Holm, Sandi Patty, and Don Francisco.  Early in the week, Dallas Holm’s cd, His Last Days, was played continuously. The music took me through the week, with special focus on the night…

  • \”It Is Written\”

    As I read my Bible this morning, i was struck once again by the fact that the enemy knows the scripture. When attempting to tempt Jesus after His 40 days of fasting, the enemy said, in Matthew 4:6, \”…it is written…\” and then he quoted Scripture. This is just another reminder to me that even…

  • I Wonder

    Stephen the deacon was full of the Holy Spirit, and he performed miraculous signs and wonders. Because of the attention he drew, he became a target of the same mindset that had already crucified his Savior, Jesus. His detractors set him up the same way they set Jesus up. But Stephen refuted their false testimony…

  • Since You\’ve Been Gone

    Since you’ve been gone, I spend my days with this uneasiness–uneasy because I don’t know if I’m taking care of things the right way; uneasy because I don’t know if I’m grieving properly; uneasy because I don’t know how to live without you. I walk through time in a daze, and the only real emotion…

  • Dear 2014, \”Uncle!\”

    It’s been one of those years where Dave and I have wondered what the Lord is up to for our lives. First, my mom died in January. His mom died in April. A week ago, our dog ran out the door to chase another dog and was stuck by a car and died at the…

  • Growing Old Together

    Imagine being married to the same individual for 51 years. Now, imagine your spouse has died. Your children are grown and live in other parts of the city, or in another state. You go home from the funeral, and the sense of loss is overwhelming. Oh, the kids call. They visit and spend some quality…

  • The Myth of the Empty Nest

    Several years ago I wrote about the joys of empty nesting. Less than a year after I wrote that article, the empty nest was interrupted. Had to be done. People’s welfare was at stake. Nine months ago, our nest emptied out again. And just this week we once again gave birth to that baby called…