Life…Under Construction

Category: Posts

  • Eulogy for a Brother

    Through life, many of us have said goodbye to our parents or other senior loved ones. While it is expected, their death can bring profound grief. However, to my thinking, it is earth-shattering when you lose a sibling. Because how do you say goodbye to a sibling? This kid with whom you ran and played…

  • Daddy Deficit

    Thank God for any man who steps in to fill in the vacant spots left by absentee dads, because I have witnessed first-hand the struggle children face when their birth father is not present in their lives. I\’ve seen the anguish and rage of a young man who wondered why his birth father had once…

  • Life Under Construction–The Book I Am Writing

    Life Under Construction–The Book I Am Writing

    One of my greatest bucket list goals has been to write a book. I\’m working down the list, but who knows if writing that book will ever happen? The discipline that takes, well… Although, it did occur to me just recently that in some ways I have written a book and continue to write to…

  • A Tribute to My Friend

    Too many times we wait until a friend has died to tell the world what a wonderful person she/he was, and I\’m just as guilty as the next person about that. Today, however, I would like to pay tribute to a very dear friend, and pray that God will allow me to be present as…

  • Life Under Construction–Savior Complex

    Life Under Construction–Savior Complex

    Of all the great books I have read, one that has profoundly affected me is The Cure, by Athol Dickson. I so identify with the main character in the story, Riley Keep. After a series of catastrophic mistakes, Riley experienced a change in his life that allowed him the luxury of righting some of his…

  • Hurry Home

    So.  You had made good decisions for your life and your eternity. And then you went away to college. You went away to college, and all of a sudden you are smarter than your parents, your siblings, and all the folks who had a part in your life. You let people WHO DON\’T KNOW OR…

  • Something Else That Scares Our Dog

    Something Else That Scares Our Dog

    We celebrated Dave\’s birthday with our daughter and grandsons. It was a nice time, and good visit, and a fine celebration. After everyone left the house, Dave and I took our usual Sunday nap. The house was quiet, and Dave and I just lounged around and enjoyed the afternoon. I did notice, however, that our…

  • I Just Do What My Mind Tells Me

    When they were little, both of our children knew they had to stay in their rooms until their dad and I awoke each day. Our daughter, who was an early riser, tried to be patient and wait on us. But after sitting quietly for a few minutes in her bed, her little self grew impatient…

  • As The Story Unfolds

    Nuggets. Little snippets of insight. Unraveling the story bit by bit, drawing the reader ever closer to the truth of the story. Eyes widen, senses tingle as the pieces begin to form, and then the thrill of the discovery takes hold. Tantalizing story-telling at its best, I tell you!

  • Life Under Construction–Surviving the Twilight Zone

    Because of several accidents on Interstate 81, what began as a six-hour trip on a beautiful Sunday afternoon ultimately became an eight-and-a-half hour nightmare. It wasn\’t pretty. Before I even got to Interstate 81–the \”Hellway,\” as i lovingly refer to it–my GPS was warning me that this highway could become my worst nightmare. Accidents were…