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Category: Posts
My Help Comes From the Lord
(This picture was taken in 2013 when the Forsyth Jail & Prison Ministries\’ staff traveled to Israel. We were on the way up to Jerusalem. No matter which direction you travel in Israel, Jerusalem is always up, as it is the highest point in the land. No wonder David chose it as his stronghold.) With…
The Color \’C\’ (The Cancer Journals)
***Update July 6, 2029: Discussion with radiologist was fairly positive. She said that if Dave has to have cancer and surgery, he is in the best position for that. She said he is Stage 2 on a cancer scaling; on a Gleason scale he is an 8, but it\’s so very early in the process…
Our \”Adopted\” Children
In addition to our own two children and five grandchildren, Dave and I have a number of young people we refer to as our heart children. They\’ve come into our lives through the years and captured our hearts. We don\’t know what it is that caused us to love them, but we can\’t deny that…
A Matter of Life and Death
\”As long as believers feel the way most of us feel about death, we aren\’t going to be able to live the way we are supposed to live. \” Pastor Emeritus Dave Wood (the hubster) shares an important message. (*click on post title to view video*)
This Crazy World…
Y\’all it\’s only 11:30. So far today… I sat in my car as my grandson ran into the store to make a purchase. Sitting in the car beside of me were two teens with masks on. As I watched, their father came out of the store without a mask and hands his daughter the grocery bag.…
Life Under Construction – Psalm 29 (with Emphasis)
The Voice of the Lord in the Storm. A Psalm of David. Ascribe* to the Lord, O sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the majesty of holiness. 3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; The God of glory thunders, The Lord is over many waters. 4 The voice of…
Life Under Construction – Finding Peace
In my search for some peace of heart and mind during this life-altering time in history, I\’ve been reading through the Psalms, searching for a balm to cover my grief. I\’m not going to even try to explain how I feel about what is happening to our once beautiful and free country, because the proper…
Happy Father\’s Day
To my birth father: I never knew you. I’m told you were very excited when I was born, and then you just abandoned us. I guess in those days it was just not accepted to have a child out of wedlock. And then you were murdered, so I never got the chance to meet you…
Life Under Construction – Some Days I Feel Like Spiderman
** I wrote this in 2005, when Nate was 5 and Philip was 2. It\’s now January 2020, and the boys are grown/growing up–Nate is 19, Philip is 16, and Andre is now 14 years old! Nate has come back to live with us in the last year and half (no bad reason–just because), and…
Life Under Construction – Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Earlier in Life
Let me say this to all parents of young(ish) kids. Don\’t expect more from them than you do from yourself. If you can have a bad day, SO CAN THEY. If you can make the \”occasional\” mistake without facing *the LOOK* and can expect total forgiveness, SO CAN THEY. If they spill, have an accident…