Life…Under Construction

Category: Posts

  • I\’ll Always Remember Reuben

    Do we really believe Jesus is the only way? If so, we must never get lax about sharing His precious gift of eternal life.

  • Forward Movement (The Cancer Journals)

    If you’ve experienced it, you know that life takes on a different reality when a loved one has cancer. All the plans we are making for Dave’s treatment feel almost surreal. It’s one thing to make plans to travel to go on a vacation. Those plans can be cancelled if necessary. But right now, we…

  • In This World

    I prayed, \”Abba, Daddy, the love of my life has cancer.\” \” In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) I prayed, \”Abba, Daddy, a young man has died. He was only 14. He had so much life to live. My grandsons are heartbroken, and they are facing the terrible reality that death comes to all ages.\” \”…

  • Limbo (The Cancer Journals)

    When you or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, the first thoughts are, “Let’s get it out, now!” Sometimes that happens; more often it doesn’t work that quickly. Before Dave’s final diagnosis of cancer, he had two biopsies and an MRI. Since Dave has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, he’s seen his urologist twice,…

  • Grandparent Redemption, Day 5

    Success! Day 5 Log

  • Grandparent Redemption, Day 4

    Papa\’s Day 4 Log…

  • Grandparent Redemption, Day 3

    Day 3 Log…

  • Grandparent Redemption, Day 1

    Spent the week with the grandkids so the parental units could take a vacation. Dave kept a log…

  • I See You

    Think you are all alone and no one understands? Not true. Jesus knows. He always did. And He cares. Never doubt that. Watch this:     

  • …Also Known as Borrowing Trouble

    It used to be that the \”what ifs\” kept me awake at night. You can read about that here. That doesn\’t happen a lot these days, and I find it pretty easy to transition from having slept in my recliner for two or three hours to getting right back to sleep in the bed. Nowadays,…