Life…Under Construction

Category: Posts

  • What’s Inside of You?

    In a church that Dave pastored, one deacon was a kindly older gentleman. He was always respectful in his conversation, and he supported Dave’s ministry at the church. I don’t recall ever hearing him speak an unfriendly word, even in our sometimes loud and vocal business meetings. I became friends with this man’s daughter. We…

  • 2021 – Time to Clean House

    This morning, my thoughts have been on the new year, which will be here in just a few short hours. I\’m not big on resolutions, because I never keep them. Why deal with that guilt, right? But, having said that, there are a few goals I would like to accomplish.  The house. The longer we…

  • Morning Prayer

    Father, I don\’t know why You chose this way for Dave and me, and I can\’t testify that I always accept it with grace. Some days, I do accept what \”is\” with a shrug of my shoulders and a quick sigh. Other days, it just feels like a heavy weight, and my soul sighs long;…

  • The Hole in My Soul

    Folks in my current age bracket grew up in a society where God was mostly recognized and honored; we had a healthy respect for Him, even in homes where He was not regularly worshipped. Our home was like that. As kids, my siblings and I went to summer Vacation Bible Schools. We did the yearly…

  • Victory!

    On Sunday, November 22, 2020, Dave had his final proton beam treatment for prostate cancer. The doctor assured him he was leaving the Center prostate cancer free, and on his way out the door for his last time, he rang the Victory Bell to signal his recovery. Because we can’t see it with our eyes,…

  • Thought for the Day

    Maybe you had this idea that you were going to show the world how to raise the perfect family, have the perfect life, live a blissful Christian existence. Then real life got involved, and many of your dreams went south. Blow after blow knocked you in the teeth, leaving you reeling in shock that things…

  • Every Christian Has a Story to Tell

    At the bottom of a devotional from Our Daily Bread, I came across a interesting tidbit of information about influencing our particular audience, and it caused me to consider who it is I am trying reach with my story of Jesus. Of course, I\’d like to reach everybody. I guess social media is a good…

  • Final Thoughts on Cancer–Maybe (The Cancer Journals)

    I’ve shared about Dave’s cancer a couple of times now, but I have some leftover thoughts I’d like to purge. Writing them down seems to be the best way to do that. When Dave was first diagnosed with cancer, I must be honest and say that I didn’t handle it well at all. Having watched…

  • A Message from Dave (The Cancer Journals)

    Dave has completed two sessions, with his next treatment this afternoon, and wants to share an update with you.

  • The Journey So Far (The Cancer Journals)

    So, Dave spent a week in Knoxville being poked and prodded with pretreatment procedures. They weren\’t all fun, but they are necessary to be able to begin his treatment in the next few weeks.