Life…Under Construction

Category: Musings, Rants, Ramblings

  • I Wonder

    Stephen the deacon was full of the Holy Spirit, and he performed miraculous signs and wonders. Because of the attention he drew, he became a target of the same mindset that had already crucified his Savior, Jesus. His detractors set him up the same way they set Jesus up. But Stephen refuted their false testimony…

  • Ranting from My Soapbox

    *beginning of rant* I am a follower of Christ by His calling. I am a Baptist by theological choice. I firmly believe that the Bible is the living, active Word of God. I will do my best to defend as honestly as I know how what God\’s Word has to say. I don\’t have a…

  • I Want to Write

    The more I read, the more firmly convinced I am that I will never be a writer. I have moments, spurts of inspiration; but I don\’t feel that I have what it takes (as in imagination) to flesh out a novel. Maybe someday I will. For now, I will content myself with reading great works…

  • A New Phone

    I was going to buy a new phone tonight after work. I walked into the Verizon store, where it appeared three young men were on duty. They had customers, so I walked around the store, looking for the particular phone I wished to purchase. One of the customers left. I continued walking around the store,…

  • stuck to the floor

    do you ever feel that even though you are standing upright and looking like you got it all together, that your soul is actually splatted all over the floor–a total mess, blubbering incoherently? no? maybe it\’s just me.

  • Sometimes

    It was an answer to prayer. God had confirmed it to me. So why didn’t it work out? …….. Many years ago I read a book written by the wife of a pastor. In the book, she relates the story of when she and her husband were temporarily living with the family of one of…

  • Someday

    Someday my life will be no more And I wonder Will anyone knock at my door To mourn my passing?

  • The Construction of Late

    Do you ever go through the emotions that you just aren\’t doing it right anymore; that you really aren\’t necessary; that if you took a few steps back for awhile, no one would even miss you? I have absolutely no reason to feel that way, but sometimes I do. It\’s not so much things others…

  • I Wonder

    Stephen the deacon was full of the Holy Spirit, and he performed signs and wonders. And he became a target of the same mindset that had already crucified his Savior, Jesus. They set him up the same way they set Jesus up. But he refuted their false testimony by giving them a history lesson about…

  • Squished in the Middle

    Hubby and I watch the boys every Thursday evening while our daughter goes to night class at the community college. Tonight, we were knee-deep in homework (i hate homework!) and the phone rang. It was my mother, sounding frantic and asking me to come over and take her to the hospital. I asked her where…