Life…Under Construction

Vacation …. and Stuff

This is the last full day of a week-long vacation hubby and I had down here at Emerald Isle. It\’s been restful, for sure. We\’ve only gone out to eat once, and the rest of the time we\’ve just lain around reading, snacking, playing with the puppy (well, hubby played with the puppy), and watching t.v. The weather has cooperated, for the most part…had a couple of rainy days. But considering how little we did, the weather wasn\’t really a factor.

So today my friend Terrie is coming here and the three of us are going fishing off the pier. Yes, you read that right, I am going fishing. Not something I like to do, but I am doing it to spend time with her. Terrie loves to fish, so there you go. Hubby is going with us to try and keep me from planting a fish hook in someone\’s behind or otherwise making a total idiot of myself. He\’s a good guy. I like him a lot.

In other news, when I return home, I will work my final week for the company I\’ve been with for the last three years (ten, if you count the seven I was with the other janitorial supply company). I\’m not a job-hopper; I take my work very seriously, but I have felt for some time now (like maybe the last three years or so) that this is not the job from which I wish to retire or upon which I wish to end my career.

The good news is that in three weeks I begin a new position with a ministry here in town. I will be the administrative assistant for the Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries, a local ministry to prisoners here in the state. My main position is to be the support for the chaplains and outreach ministers, a position for which I am comfortable. I am so looking forward to this new \”notch\” in my career belt, and can easily see myself staying with this until I do retire. I honestly feel that God put this job in my path and is blessing me with it.

Tomorrow it\’s back home for puppy and me. Dave is going on to a different location for a few more days of R&R and will be home later in the week. I\’ve got to get back to the world of work and helping Jen with the boys.

In other news, it\’s time to do some de-cluttering, so I hope to spend some time cleaning out closets and drawers in my home and holding the end of all yard sales in a couple of weeks. If y\’all are in the area, watch for the date and come on out! Because at 1pm, I will have the Rescue Mission truck on my property loading up everything that didn\’t sell and hauling it off. I never take yard sale items back inside my house. Y\’all come!






One response to “Vacation …. and Stuff”

  1. Rita's Random Ramblings Avatar

    Happy you had a great vacation! Love the pics! GREAT shots!Congratulations on the new job! Sounds like a good fit!!Love you, sister of my heart!!

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